Lauren and Brian are married!! I only met Lauren 2 years ago while her and Brian were just dating. Soon after we became friends, they were engaged and the planning began.
Over the past two years there have been many parties, nights out and lots and lots of planning!! When Lauren asked me to be in her wedding party I was honored and very excited to be a part of her and Brian's big day!! Thanks again Lauren for allowing me to play such an important role in your wedding. Important role you say, being a bridesmaid is one of the most amazing honors a friend can ask of you, but it is also a very busy one! This weekend was very busy and tiring, but I would not have missed a minute of it!
The wedding was great, the bride looked beautiful and everyone had so much fun!! The Allen & Concklin Family know how to party :)
It is weird to think that after all the planning that the day is over and a new life has begun. A new life as Mr. & Mrs. Concklin...two best friends together forever. That is what excites me about marriage - being with your best friend forever, waking up each day next to that special someone. I know that Lauren and Brian are married now, but I know things will still remain the same with them. They will still be the couple that always welcomes people over to their condo, throws Thanksgiving dinners with all their friends and simply likes to party. That is why we love them! I know lil ones are in their future, but I won't mind waiting a while to become Aunt Erin! hehe
Again congrats to Lauren & Brian! Love you guys!
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