Look at Em in the background -' hottie in lipstick'

my weekend in Denver of blueberry vodka and sprite- love it

Um yeah I am scared of heights! BIG TIME!!
So I have decided to do little shout outs to my bestests = best friend; fav; soul sister; etc - so these will be periodic - and as you all know since I stink at keeping up with my blog it could be years til I actually do more of these - hehe
It may just be because so many of my bests live far far away and after Kent was in Denver all week for work and he got to see one of my bests TWICE in one week it made me think about how much it sucked I couldn't be there as well :(tear!
BTW Benno - Kent says you all are boys now and even hug - um just remember you love me more! June 5th - so close!!
Sara beth - I got your invite in the mail today and it put the biggest smile on my face - Your Day is almost here and it is going to be wonderful! I have been thinking of so many memories with us over the past few months and they all just make me smile!! You have been such a great friend and I have been through so much with you!! From freshman hate-mates (ok we didn't hate each other but ha ha you know what I mean) to BFFs!! Even though you seem so far away and we don't get to see each other all the time I want you to know you are always close to my heart (ok that was corny but its true!!)
Counting the days to stand at the alter with you!! I love you!!
Love and miss you Er! It's so much fun reading your blog! I hope that you have a wonderful time at Sara's wedding. Sara - I hope the day turns out even better than you have imagined. Hope to see you soon, Er! Love, Cheryl