My AMAZING cheerleaders!!

Go Wolfpack!
In the ZONE
So Everyone tells you that a marathon hurts more than any other race or run you have ever done - but you kinda think "yeah I am sure it hurts but I am a runner - it won't be so bad!" Um yeah it will!! It hurts like crazy once you "hit the wall!" I hit my wall at Mile 23 and crawled into the finish. But even though it hurt so so bad, the feeling once you cross that line and finish is AMAZING! And once I had crossed that finish line I had some amazing family and friends with smiling faces and pink shirts to help me walk through the finish area!! My fans were there cheering for me all morning in Bright Pink RunErin t-shirts!! I am the luckiest girl in the world!! It was an amazing experience and as much as my legs still are in pain I already know I want to do another one! Crazy right? For anyone who has ever thought about doing a marathon - let's sign up together!! I think I will try one every year until I cannot do it anymore!! yes I am crazy SWAIN!!